Now that you are planning on building a new site, here are some of the things you should start doing to make the process easier for us and you.
Start getting the photos ready
Create a new folder in your computer and put all of your photos in there that you would like to use on the website. If you don’t have enough photos for the site, we recommend going to https://www.pixabay.com and picking images to your liking. Please keep the urls of the photos you like and include this in the creative brief. This will go to the designer who will be designing your website, the more of these you have the better the outcome. If you don’t have any or can’t find any, we can always help you find the right ones 🙂
Review other industry websites
Review websites of industry leaders in your area overseas. In general American sites are a few years ahead of us and will give you a good idea about what areas to focus on for the future. The best way to view this will be to put in your keywords in Google.com and look at the first 2 pages of websites that show up. Please also include these sites in the creative brief (link on top of this email) and what you like about them.
Think of your website page structure
Please think of the page structure of your site. Most website will will Home, About Us, Services, Why us, Contact Us pages. The Services pages will then have subpages that lists all the services. Please note that the more pages you have, the better your website will perform.
Prepare your content
Please start putting all the pages of your content together based on the website page structure that you have thought of above. You can fill out our content brief here and send it back to us when its complete. The important thing to think about is to put the content for what your customers are asking for rather than what you want to push out to them. Think of it like a new car company promoting their car brands (nsx, caprice) instead of family car, sports car etc. A lot of times the content and words you use are not what a customer searches for and because of that, your content becomes irrelevant to the user.