How to setup and Synchronize ZOHO with Outlook

Setting up ZOHO for Outlook – Download plugin

  • Please login to your ZOHO Crm and go under Setup (top right)
  • Click on Apps & Add-ons
  • Click on third tab Other Apps
  • Select Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook
  • ‘Choose your Microsoft Outlook Version’
  • Select – Microsoft outlook 2010 & 2013 32 bit (or whatever version of outlook you have )
  • Download and Install the plug-in

Setting up ZOHO for Outlook – Sign in and Syncrhonize

Once you have downloaded and installed the plug-in, it will sit under Add-Ins in Outlooks Ribbon, click on it and select ZOHO CRM > Sign In.

Once you have signed in, a pop-up will show up which allows you to synchronize your contacts, tasks, calendar and emails.

Warning: If you would like to manually sync your contacts/emails please don’t do the steps underneath. The steps underneath will synchronize all of your data automatically, so if you have personal emails they will be synced as well to your CRM. Please skip to “Manually Sync data to ZOHO CRM at the bottom of this article” to manually sync data.

ZOHO for Outlook – Synchronize Contacts:

To sync contacts,

  • first please select the contact folder by clicking on the browse button and select Contacts (This computer only)
  • Select which categories of contacts you would like to sync
  • Select if you would like to Automatically sync the changes made to contacts
  • Select if you would like to sync all contacts or just contacts owned by you

Click on save

ZOHO for Outlook – Synchronize Tasks:

To sync tasks,

  • first please select the tasks folder by clicking on the browse button and select Tasks (This computer only)
  • Select which categories of tasks you would like to sync
  • Select if you would like to Automatically sync the changes made to tasks
  • Select if you would like to sync all tasks or just tasks owned by you

Click on save

ZOHO for Outlook – Synchronize Calendar:

To sync events,

  • first please select the Calendar folder by clicking on the browse button and select Calendar(This computer only)
  • Select which categories of events you would like to sync
  • Select if you would like to Automatically sync the changes made to events in your calendar
  • Select if you would like to sync all events or just events owned by you

Click on save

ZOHO for Outlook – Synchronize Emails:

To sync Emails,

  • first please select the Sent Items folder by clicking on the browse button and select Sent Items
  • If you would like to auto sync all your sent emails in the future tick the box that says “Automatically add outgoing emails to ZOHO CRM”
  • Select “Search the recipients email address in contacts and associate the email to matching contacts(s)”. Make sure you tick this box to ensure that there are no duplicates
  • Select “If there are no matching contacts, then Search the recipients email address in leads and associate the sent email to the matching lead(s).” Make sure you tick this box as well to ensure there are no duplicates.
  • Select whether you would like to create a new Lead or a Contact (My preference is Contact because you are already communicating with this Contact).

Click on save

Once you have done all these steps, the ZOHO contact plugin will automatically synchronise all your outlook data moving forward.

Manually Sync data to ZOHO CRM

To manually Syncrhonize data to ZOHO CRM, on the settings popup, please select cancel to all. This will close the settings pop-up.

Manually Sync Email to ZOHO CRM:

Select Email you would like to Sync in Outlook.
Click on Add Email under ZOHO CRM.
Once you have added it to ZOHO, a bar will show up under the contact saying “added to Zoho”.

You can also select an email and assign it to a different email address by picking Search and Add Email.

Add Case in ZOHO CRM from Outlook

If there is an issue or a complaint from a customer or a request, it might be easier to create a case in ZOHO CRM to handle it better. To do that select the email and click on add case.

When you click add case, a pop-up will come up asking for you to search for the contact to assign it to. Search for the contact, select it and then select status and click on add to add the case in ZOHO CRM.