Keyword Ranking Report

If you are one of our customers, most likely you have access to a Keyword SERP Ranking report from us.  Here is a bit more information on what each of the columns mean:

The ranking of the keyword when we started the Ranking.

The keyword we are ranking for your domain in search engines such as Google/Bing/Yahoo

The rank of your keyword in, this ranking refreshes every 12 hours. Please note that a rank of 11 means first spot in page 2 of Google.

The rank of your keyword in, this ranking refreshes every 12 hours. Please note that a rank of 27 means seventh spot in page 3 of bing.

The rank of your keyword in, this ranking refreshes every 12 hours

Week Change
How your keyword has changed rank over the last week (if its green, it has gone up, if its red it has gone down).

Month Change
How your keyword has changed rank over the last month(if its green, it has gone up, if its red it has gone down). 

Monthly Search
How many times that keyword has been searched for monthly on Google.

Ranking Url
What page of your website is being ranked for that keyword