How much should I spend on Marketing?

Marketing is an essential component of any business, regardless of its size or industry. It involves promoting products or services to potential customers with the aim of generating revenue and building brand awareness. However, the question of how much a company should spend on marketing is one that often arises, and the answer is not always straightforward.

There are a number of factors that can influence the amount of money that a company should allocate towards its marketing efforts. These include

  • Company revenue (more revenue means bigger marekting budget)
  • Company industry (more competitive means more maketing required)
  • Target audience ( Audience demographics makes a difference in marketing costs)
  • Goals (Higher revenue goals means more marketing dollars)
  • Competition (Sharp competition means more spend)

Here, we will explore these factors and provide some guidance on how much a company should spend on marketing.

Rough marketing spend estimates

If you are just starting out and want a rough estimate, US Small Business Adminstration recommends spending 7-8% of your gross revenue for marketing and advertising if you are doing less than $5 million a year in sales and your net profit margin is in the 10-12 percent range. However depending on other factors, some companies spend upto 40% of their gross revenue on marketing.

Here, we will explore these factors and provide some guidance on how much a company should spend on marketing.

Company revenue

Company revenue is one of the most important factors to consider when determining how much to spend on marketing. Generally speaking, larger companies have larger marketing budgets than smaller companies, since they have a wider customer base and more revenue to invest. However, the size of the marketing budget should be proportional to the company’s revenue. A general rule of thumb is that companies should allocate 5-10% of their revenue towards marketing.

For example, if a company has annual revenue of $1 million, it should allocate between $50,000 and $100,000 towards marketing. This budget can be adjusted based on the company’s marketing goals, competition, and other factors.


The industry in which a company operates can also influence its marketing budget. Some industries are more competitive than others, which means that companies may need to spend more on marketing to stand out. For example, the retail industry is highly competitive, with numerous companies vying for customers’ attention. In such a scenario, a company may need to allocate a larger marketing budget to gain a competitive advantage.

On the other hand, some industries are less competitive, and companies may not need to spend as much on marketing. For example, a company that produces niche products or services may have a smaller target audience, and may therefore be able to achieve its marketing goals with a smaller budget.

Target audience

The target audience is another important factor to consider when determining the marketing budget. Companies that target younger audiences, for example, may need to allocate more funds towards social media marketing, while companies that target older audiences may need to focus more on traditional marketing channels such as print ads or television commercials.

In addition, companies that target international markets may need to spend more on marketing to reach their target audience, since they may need to invest in translation services, cultural adaptation, and other factors.

Marketing goals

The marketing goals of a company can also influence the amount of money it should spend on marketing. For example, a company that is launching a new product or service may need to allocate more funds towards marketing to create awareness and generate interest. Similarly, a company that is trying to increase sales or expand into new markets may need to invest more in marketing to achieve these goals.

It’s important for companies to establish clear marketing goals and develop a strategy that is aligned with these goals. This can help them determine the appropriate amount of money to allocate towards their marketing efforts.


Finally, the level of competition in a company’s industry can also influence its marketing budget. If a company operates in a highly competitive industry, it may need to spend more on marketing to differentiate itself from its competitors. In contrast, if a company operates in a less competitive industry, it may be able to achieve its marketing goals with a smaller budget.

It’s also important for companies to monitor their competitors’ marketing activities and adjust their own marketing strategies accordingly. This can help them stay ahead of the competition and achieve their marketing goals more effectively.

Talk to NetON and get a Marketing plan with budgets

Unsure how much you should spend for your marketing, talk to us and we will put a marketing plan together for you with estimated costs for each element.