Magento 1.7 is just around the corner with Magento 1.7 beta now available. This is not to be used in production as the final release should be around shortly. This release is available for upgrade through the Connect Manager, to download or via SVN.
New Improvements of Magento 1.7 Beta
- Added ability to translate action array parameter nodes via layout.xml
- Added support for using custom currency symbols
- Added functionality to cleaning old cache files by cron task
- Refactored rules-based modules
- Improved customer address handling using PayPal Express checkout
- Refactored escaping functionality used with translations
- Added ability to customize logo in emails from the admin
- Implemented front-end cookies restriction functionality
- Added ability to turn off/on IP Tracking (e.g. ‘Placed from IP’) on the Sales pages in back-end (Order, Invoice, Shipment, Credit memo)
- Provided logic to disable ACL resources through configuration files
New Changes in Magento 1.7 Beta
- Support for “memcached” PHP extension was added
- Library js/scriptaculous/dragdrop.js is upgraded to version 1.9.0
- Image file of “jpg” type are allowed for favicon
- Added ability to extend list of attributes to select for categories loaded via Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Category_Flat::_loadNodes()
- Added changes to lib/Varien/Http/Adapter/Curl.php to provide interface for setting different cURL options
- Displaying State or Province can be optional for any country
- Added ability to get Magento type from Mage.php
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2 responses to “Magento Commerce 1.7 beta features”
Does aynnoe know Does aynnoe know how to get shopping cart to work where you give a a32 discount is 3 products (different products) are bought????? I can? get it to work if a customer buys 3 of the same item but not 3 different items. Thanks Alice
Are they in different categories? That will probably be the easiest way of doing this.
We have an inhouse extension team who can help you if you really need this functionality. Please let us know.