WordPress 4.7 New Features

As expected, WordPress 4.7 has shipped and is now available. Our team are very excited to work with whats new in this release. It is a Major Release of 2016, and comes with some exciting new features. In this post, we will look at what’s new in WordPress 4.7, and which features you should notice or play around with after updating to this version. To view all the updates, bug fixes and new features included in this new version, please visit on over to https://wordpress.org/news/category/releases/.

We are most excited about the brand new TwentySeventeen Theme and enhancements to the customiser. (more details covered below)

What’s new in WordPress 4.7 Major Release?

This update is a really huge update for WordPress. While most of the updates seem to have happened on the new theme, this brings a new dimension in WordPress’es online domination of the Website market as well as pushes WordPress right into businesses and not just bloggers. This latest major update of the most used CMS in the world comes with the following featues:

Brand new TwentySeventeen Theme

The new WordPress ships with a new theme Twenty Seventeen.


The new theme has been specifically designed for businesses rather than blogs and is great for both small, medium and large busiensses. The new theme also comes with a large number of enhancements to make it easier for smaller businesses to setup such as

  • Generic starter content already populated that a customer can just go in and edit
  • Edit buttons on editable areas that you can click on and edit elements
  • Videos that can replace the big images on the front page or the header
  • Custom css that allows admin to make changes to the site quickly
  • Live preview of custom css
  • Ability to add pages directly from the Customiser and then update the pages later

PDF Thumbnails

A big feature that has been missing from WordPress has finally been  fixed. Now you can preview the thumbnails of your PDFs in the media library. Oh the hassle and time this feature will save 🙂

Different language Dashboard

You can now setup WordPress with multi lingual dashboards based on user preference.

Post Type Templates

Another huge update, allowing you to customise your posts in different templates.

REST API endpoints

Another huge update for Developers allowing them to use WordPress as a data repository and pull content from them. Currently it allows interaction with posts, comments, terms, users, meta and setttings.

More Developer updates

  • Post Type Templates
  • REST API endpoints
  • More Theme API functionalities
  • Custom Bulk Actions for list tables 🙂
  • Updated WP_Hook
  • Customise changesets

NetON Major Release Update Policy

Our team will be working on your website (hosted at our servers) to make sure your WordPresswebsite is up-to date. This is done for any Major Release.


WordPress is arguably the most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today. 30% of all new domains run on WordPress. 60% of all CMS run websites run on WordPress.

WordPress Update Policy

With this being a Major Release, our team will be working to make sure that your website gets updated as soon as possible.

NetON WordPress Development Services

NetON offers a complete range of WordPress Services for Australian businesses. Our team is constantly working on WordPress Website Development, WordPress Design, WordPress Hosting, Strengthening WordPress Security, running SEO OPtimisation on WordPress Websites and upgrading Core and WordPress Plugins. We work with some of the smallest and the biggest companies in Australia and around the world and help them build and maintain their WordPress website to generate the best results for them. Please contact us for more details on our services. Please call us or email us on the details on our Contact Us page.

WordPress Demo Website Updated with new theme and 4.7 goodness

NetON maintains and upto date demo site of the latest version of WordPress that you can browse through. We have just updated the site to WordPress 4.7 with the new twentyseventeen theme. Click here to view WordPress Demo Site