Setting up your signature in Outlook 2010

Step 1: Save the image on your computer to use as a signature.

Save the image that you want to use as your signature on your computer. If the image is online, you can right click on it and select “save picture as” as save it on your computer.

Step 2: Setup your details as the Signature

  • Open Outlook 2010
  • Click on File
  • Click on Options
  • On the popup that opens click on Mail on the left and click on signatures on the right hand side
  • If you already have set up a signature we recommend using the banner on top of the existing signature. If you haven’t click on New and give your signature a name (e.g Ansell Medical Signature)
  • Type your details in the box using the following syntax or copy and paste below

Firstname Lastname
Job Title, Department, Office
Phone: +61 03 9999 9999
Mobile: +61 0499 999 999
Company Name
Company Address

Step 3: adding image

Now put your cursor where you want the signature to appear and click on the insert image button which is immediately to the right of business card button. A popup will appear asking you to select the image. Please select the banner image that you saved in step 1.

Now we have to link this image so that your prospects go to the website when clicked.

Select the banner image and click on the link button which is immediately to the right of the insert image button. On the popup under address put the link url for the image.

Click on okay. Now on the same window on the top righ look for select default signature and make sure this signature is selected for both New Messages and Replies/Forwards.

Click on okay.

You have successfully set up your signature.