Tag: facebook fan page
How to setup a developer account in Facebook
Registering yourself as a developer Visit Facebook Developers at https://developers.facebook.com/ Click on Apps > Register as Developer (if this is your first time) A popup will come up asking if you agree to the Facebook Platform Policy (click on Yes) Click on Next Facebook will then ask for your mobile and send you a confirmation…
How to add a new html tab to your facebook page 2014
Here are the things you will need A new html page (the url has to be secure https://) A Facebook developer account (any normal account can be used as a developer account) A Facebook fanpage where you are the administrator of the page There are 3 steps involved in adding a new html tab to…
Creating a new custom tab in Facebook Timeline 2012
What you need to set up your custom tab in Facebook Timeline A facebook account A html/website built which you want to show as a tab in Facebook and needs to be securely hosted using SSL (if you don’t have this, please check out our platform that allows you to do that http://www.sosl.com.au) A large…