Category: Project Manager

  • Coming soon.. Australia’s newest business information portal


    NetON is very excited to announce – the new business directory and product service in Australia.  Looky is officially launching from 1st of May as a beta service.

  • Simple explanation of the HeartBleed Bug!

    Here is a simple illustrated explanation from XKCD.


  • NetON Project Manager V2 Update – Setting Priorities

    The NetON Project has now been updated to Version 2 with the following new Updates:

    Assigning High and Low Priorities on Tasks

    This has been the most asked for feature on the Project Manager. Now you can assign 5 levels of priorities to your tasks:

    • Very High Priority
      If you add two ++ (plus symbols) in front of your task, you can turn that into a Very High Priority task
    • High Priority
      If you add a + (plus symbol in front of your task, that task turns into a high priority task)
    • Normal – By default all tasks are normal priorities
    • Low Priority
      A low priority task can be setup by adding a – (minus symbol) in front of the task
    • Very Low Priority
      A very low priority task can be setup by adding a — (minus symbol) in front of the task



    Remember Me feature which means you don’t have to log in for 4 weeks.

    When logging in, if you tick the Remember box, our system will remember your login for 4 weeks.


  • netON App now available in Android Market

    image The netON App is now available in the Android Market. This is still in alpha version and is aimed at allowing our customers and visitors to stay on top of service updates, technical information and general news and information related to web design and marketing.

    * stay updated on all the new netON releases

    * subscribe to the netON Blog

    * see what is new on the Project Manager

    * new updates to our sosl platform

    Please click on this link or scan the QR code below to install the app on your android phone:

  • File Uploads in Project Manager

    netON Project Manger now allows file uploads against any task on the Projects.  This means against any task you can now add:

    • A word file containing all the content for that task
    • A screenshot explaining a bug that needs to be fixed
    • An update file relevant to the task

    How to add a file:

    • Log into the project manager
    • Open any project
    • Click on +file button against any task
    • A popup will come up asking you to browse for a file
    • Browse for a file and click on submit to upload

    Once a file is uploaded, it will show a file icon next to the task and you can click on it to download the file.  Currently the following formats are supported

    • Word Documents
    • Excel Spreadsheets
    • JPEG images
    • GIF Images
    • PNG Images

    If you need support for any other file, please send us an email at

  • New updates to the Project Manager Platform

    Here are the latest round of changes to the Project Manager Platform:

    Landing Page

    • On the landing page, now all of your projects are listed.
    • When you put your mouse over the projects, the project description shows up

    Project Page

    • The Project Manager now supports Milestones
    • The Project Team now shows under the Project Name
  • Starting with netON Project Manager

    Please follow the following instructions to set up your account under our Project Tracker Platform.  Please read the whole instructions once to understand how it works and then proceed with the setup.

    Step 1: Setting up your password

    From the navigation on the top please Select Login > Project Management Tool

    This will open up a login area
    Your email/username will be your personal email address
    temporary password will be the one supplied to you via your email

    Enter your email and temporary password to login

    Once you put in your password, it will ask you to enter a more secure password. Please remember this password because this can only be changed via Admin.

    You are now set to use the Platform.

    Accessing the platform:

    To access the platform please go into Login > Project Management Tool via
    Log in using your email and your new password that you have just set up.

    Control Panel

    Once you log in, you land in the Control Panel which will give you an overview of all the projects you are assigned to.
    You can add tasks for yourself or assign tasks to other members in the team
    With tasks assigned to you, you can double click on the task and edit it
    With tasks assigned to you, you can click on update status and complete a task
    On any task you can double click on the +note text to add your notes


    When a member in a project gets assigned a task, they get an email with the details.

    Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to add more staff members to the Platform to make it easier.